
Thoughts on Mozilla Public AI

Initial thoughts on Mozilla’s public API paper are that they are a new voice that is necessary and welcome in the world of AI. They correctly point out the “ladder pull” of private companies hiding their research, and also the need for a focus on small language models (SLM). What are key takeaways? Smaller, efficient models are better for a variety of reasons SLM require less compute which reduces carbon footprint of AI development Open source (actually full open source) enables a broader access to AI technology globally Public funding could shift towards customizable and energy efficient AI Privacy, a human right, is enhanced with local deployments of SLM.

Broken Economic Models in Technology That Hurt Humans At Scale

Explore how current economic and technological paradigms, particularly surveillance capitalism, are negatively impacting society. Broken Economic Models for Humanity Key Concepts: Surveillance Capitalism Definition by Shoshana Zuboff Extracts and monetizes human experience data Concentrates wealth, knowledge, and power Threatens human nature and democracy Externality First Capitalism Proposed solution to create markets for social good Examples: Carbon pricing in services Media platform taxation based on factual content Tax credits for repairable technology Taxation of addictive technology profits Corporate and individual wealth tax Right to repair initiatives Game Theory and AI

Law of Large Data Breaches

Emergent Human Rights In The Age of Revolutions

As we navigate the digital age, it’s crucial to learn from history and establish robust digital rights to protect human autonomy and dignity. Human Rights: From French Revolution to Digital Age The Age of Revolutions: A Perfect Storm The French Revolution emerged from a convergence of systemic issues and random events: Feudalism’s oppressive structure Widespread poverty and hunger Emerging ideas of democracy Influence of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” Inspiration from the American Revolution Rise of mass printing and pamphleteers The Rights of Man: Reshaping Society The French Revolution brought forth the concept of human rights, influencing democracy globally:

Radical Ideas in AI Ethics

Spotting and Debunking Tech Propaganda

Tech Propaganda: An Introduction to Critical Thinking in Technology 1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Definition: Rushing to adopt new technologies without clear benefits Examples: Implementing GenAI without clear ROI just because competitors are doing it Skill development driven by fear of obsolescence VCs worried about missing the next big thing 2. Naive Utopianism Definition: Assuming all technology is inherently good Examples: Believing more smartphone scrolling is always better Expecting social media to lead to world peace Promoting UBI or crypto as universal solutions Assuming AI can completely replace teachers 3.

Digital Rights of Humans in the Age of AI

source: By Milky - Museum of the French Revolution, CC BY-SA 4.0, The French Revolution is perhaps the most crucial event in the history of the world. A population violently overthrew a monarchy and developed important concepts of both individual liberty and democracy. It also showed the violent and horrific excesses of mob rule, something the world struggles with even today. Both helpful ideas and toxic misinformation spread through pamphleteers with often deadly consequences.

The Little Data Thief Who Could: Chapter Ten (The End)-Atherton Mutant Lizard Battle Royale

A satirical farce in the spirit of the comic Captain Underpants Grandpappy grabbed Skeptico and told him to drive him to Atherton since it was Friday afternoon and there was sure to be a dinner party where the mutant lizard billionaires would be attending in human form. If he could get them all to regress to their lizard form while live streaming to it might wake up humanity to the true threat of mutant Lizard billionaires.

The Little Data Thief Who Could: Chapter Nine-Bay Area Billionairism Manifesto

A satirical farce in the spirit of the comic Captain Underpants Grandpappy told Skeptico that he had encountered Lizard mutants before in the Spanish Civil War. Something about the exposure to Komodo dragon saliva mixed with the rare earth metals often found in Italian sports cars created a Lizard mutant. Rambo Rogaine might be selling supplements tainted with Komodo dragon saliva, and these Bay Area Billionaires drive rare sports cars that create the perfect chain reaction.

The Little Data Thief Who Could: Chapter Eight-Billionaires Bedazzle

A satirical farce in the spirit of the comic Captain Underpants As the Stealsi worked with the Lizard Island billionaires to implement project “Eyeball Heist”, Babba had some time to coach little Sami on a key tool of the trade, Propaganda. He explained that many great works of literature, especially ones of a dystopian nature, were inspirational texts for oppression of humanity. Even recent books like Bullshit Jobs, by David Graeber were ideas for smartphone apps.