The Little Data Thief Who Could: Chapter Eight-Billionaires Bedazzle

A satirical farce in the spirit of the comic Captain Underpants

mutant As the Stealsi worked with the Lizard Island billionaires to implement project “Eyeball Heist”, Babba had some time to coach little Sami on a key tool of the trade, Propaganda. He explained that many great works of literature, especially ones of a dystopian nature, were inspirational texts for oppression of humanity. Even recent books like Bullshit Jobs, by David Graeber were ideas for smartphone apps.

He went on to explain that pointless job categories: Flunkies, Goons, Duct tapers, Box tickers, and Taskmaster now were all apps built by the famous incubator WorkForPeanutsSuckers. For example iPickleSliceFlunkies, iPickleSliceGoons, iPickleSliceBoxtickers and finally iPickleSliceTaskmaster. The real purpose of the apps was destabilization of worker power and to turn most humans into thoughtless and desperate Gig workers addicted to technology.

Once they were desperate Gig workers, they no longer had the power to object to being slaves of the billionaire lizards. Further since Gig workers need a smartphone from the PickleSlices company to work, it was easy to trap them into smartphone addiction, and further stupify and pacify them while feeding them meme hustles like FakeSelfDrivingCars or FakeAGI or episodes of Rambo Rogaine.

In their weakened state they were quite vulnerable to obvious weak propaganda like the article “Billionaires Bedazzle” spread on TechSuckerNews. The article explained how Billionaires need literally every resource on earth and it was the duty of technology addicts to fulfill their every wish. The hook for this particular style of propaganda was to tap into impossible hope that a Gig worker was one “hunger games” experience away from being a billionaire too.
