The Little Data Thief Who Could: Chapter Nine-Bay Area Billionairism Manifesto

A satirical farce in the spirit of the comic Captain Underpants

lizard Grandpappy told Skeptico that he had encountered Lizard mutants before in the Spanish Civil War. Something about the exposure to Komodo dragon saliva mixed with the rare earth metals often found in Italian sports cars created a Lizard mutant. Rambo Rogaine might be selling supplements tainted with Komodo dragon saliva, and these Bay Area Billionaires drive rare sports cars that create the perfect chain reaction.

He then went on to explain the Bay Area Billionairism Manifesto. It is like the Communist Manifesto, but instead of socialism for all, it is rent seeking for Billionaires. They first replace products that are helpful, a hotel, or a taxi, with an illegal version of the product, but subsidized by cheap prices and sold as a convenient app. Later the quality of the illegal product, say an illegal hotel sold via DLC (DestroyLocalCommunities4FunandPofit), destroys the local community by driving up prices for rent and pushing negative externalities on the community. These illegal hotels are also full of quality issues, including spycams the Stealsi monitor to steal future ideas for books, movies, or software projects or art.
